How Our Attorneys Handle a State Farm Injury Claim

Phoenix Attorneys Omer Gurion and Jason Hutzler

Although State Farm loves to market itself as a good neighbor, when you file a claim with them, you may find it is anything but that. Like other insurance companies, State Farm is not here to be a friend or neighbor. Instead, it is a massive company looking to generate profit and make its shareholders wealthy, not to make your life easier.

Yet, many accident victims believe deceitful marketing tactics, thinking the company will compensate them fairly, especially after a devastating accident. To clarify what you can expect from State Farm and its adjusters, we prepared the following article. In it, we shed light on these corrupt tactics and discuss how an experienced car accident attorney can help you pursue the maximum damages you deserve.

State Farm Tactics

State Farm’s adjusters will try paying as little as possible after an accident. They defend their claims vigorously, often undertaking deceitful practices that can impact your claim. Take, for instance, the following examples.

Calculating Injury Claims

State Farm adjusters use a computer program to calculate an injury claim’s value. These adjusters enter specific information regarding your accident into their software, such as your injuries, needed medical treatments, and your medical bills. From there, the system will estimate the claim’s value by evaluating these medical records and calculating lost wages and the victim’s pain and suffering.

However, this software is often inaccurate, undervaluing your damages and calculating an offer much less than what the victim deserves. This undervaluation happens because the software calculates values based on preset guidelines that discount expenses from the claim.

For instance, the software has preset parameters for certain injuries and the required medical treatments. If an individual requires treatment beyond typical requirements, the software automatically discounts these expenses, leaving victims with extensive bills.

Stalling the Claims Process

State Farm adjusters know you face significant financial pressures after an accident. These adjusters can stall your claim, leaving you in financial jeopardy and making you more susceptible to accept State Farm’s lowball offers.

State Farm does not care how damaging this can be to you, your family, or your future. It understands that increasing your financial pressure helps secure the money it needs.

To protect your interests, contact an experienced personal injury attorney who understands these deceitful tactics, knows State Farm’s tricks, and fights for the compensation you need.

Using What You Say Against You

A common tactic is using recorded statements against you. State farm may indicate that you must provide them with a statement after an accident, but you do not have to. Their plan with these statements is to ask you a series of leading questions calculated to work against you and impact your financial recovery.

For example, instead of asking you about the extent of your injuries, State Farm may only ask, “How are you doing?” prompting a one-word answer such as “okay” or “fine.” If later you indicate you suffer greatly from your injuries, the company will argue that you are lying because they have you on record, suggesting that you are “okay.”

For these reasons, before you make any statements to State Farm, discuss the case with an experienced personal injury attorney. These legal professionals can help you understand your rights during these conversations and even take over these communications on your behalf, ensuring that State Farm does not take advantage of you and your situation.

Ordering Numerous Independent Medical Exams

An independent medical exam, or IME, is an checkup performed by a doctor hired by the insurance company to examine the victim and write a report of their findings after the exam. The insurance company will then use this report to help them deny claims, cut-off benefits, or reduce the money they need to provide.

While this examination is common practice for all insurance companies, State Farm will pay for numerous independent medical exams. State Farm does this to indicate that the victim does not require additional medical treatment, that they reached maximum medical improvement, or that their injury will soon heal. Even if these statements are false, State Farm will use them against you to prevent you from receiving the compensation you deserve.


State Farm surveils victims filing an injury claim. They hire private investigators to follow these individuals, videotape them, and catch them doing anything that can help State Farm lower damages. State Farm will use this information to argue that the victim lied about their injuries and losses, so they do not deserve benefits.

State Farm will edit the surveillance to show these victims in the worst light possible, even if the full video paints a different picture. For these reasons, speak to an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in these claims and can ensure these videos show the whole picture, not just the edited portion that State Farm wants everyone to see.

Using Pre-Existing Conditions to Deny Your Claim

State Farm will dig into your past to find anything they can use against you, including reviewing your medical history and finding injuries or issues that could qualify as a pre-existing condition. As a result, you must be very careful before handing over any medical records to these insurance companies.

Thankfully, when you work with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney, these legal professionals can carefully review every request that State Farm sends over, especially regarding your medical records.

Talking You out of Getting a Lawyer

talking you out of getting a lawyer

State Farm does not want you to work with experienced attorneys who will combat their tactics. State Farm will therefore try to talk you out of getting legal representation. They will often make statements indicating that hiring a lawyer will reduce the money you receive or that it will delay the claims process. However, they do not tell you that getting a qualified lawyer to take on your claim can help you recover significantly more compensation than you would on your own.

For these reasons, do not let State Farm talk you out of getting the legal help you need. Instead, reach out to these lawyers for a free consultation and find out how they can help you.

Let an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Take On Your State Farm Injury Claim

Although there are countless tactics that State Farm will try to limit your financial recovery, there are ways to combat these practices. The following ways describe how an experienced personal injury attorney can help you fight for the financial recovery you deserve.

Figure out Your Actual Damages

Even though State Farm will try to devalue your claim, working with an experienced personal injury attorney can help protect your financial interests. Your attorney will determine the damages you suffered, including your medical bills, car repair costs, lost income, and future lost wages.

These attorneys will perform a thorough legal analysis to determine damages. If needed, your attorney will bring in expert witnesses, such as financial specialists, to estimate how much money you deserve from the insurance company to cover your current expenses, future bills, and ongoing needs.

Take on the Negotiation Process

Reaching a fair settlement offer takes strong negotiation skills and a decent understanding of the law, which can help prevent insurance companies from taking advantage of the situation. Thankfully, an experienced personal injury lawyer can take on these insurers, including State Farm, to handle this negotiation and ensure you get the money you deserve.

Head to Trial if Needed

When State Farm handles a personal injury claim, its goal is to defend itself and deny your claim. They also know that the longer they delay this claim and refuse to offer a fair settlement, the greater their chance of you giving up and walking away with the least amount of money possible.

To prevent the insurance company from successfully implementing this strategy is to take the case to trial with the help of a skilled and aggressive personal injury attorney.

Provide You Needed Legal Support During This Challenging Process

During this difficult time, dealing with the insurance company is the last thing you want to do, especially as they try out dishonest games to get you to fail in your claim.

You will not have to go through this demanding ordeal by yourself. Instead, with an experienced personal injury attorney by your side, you can get the legal support you need, the answers you require, and legal help to take on State Farm’s unfair tricks and deceptive practices. Better yet, you will not owe these attorneys anything until you win. Since most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, you will not have to pay any upfront legal fees or pay the attorney until they successfully recover a monetary award or settlement on your behalf.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Today and Take State Farm Head-On

If you have a State Farm injury claim, contact a personal injury lawyer today at Hutzler Law for your free case evaluation. Our lawyers can review your case, determine the course of action you should take to maximize your compensation, and support you when standing up to State Farm.

Author Photo

Jason Hutzler

Jason Hutzler is the founding partner of Phoenix personal injury law firm Hutzler Law, and represents individuals throughout Arizona. His practice is primarily dedicated to personal injury and car accident claims, leveraging his deep expertise as a former insurance adjustor to navigate the complexities of insurance negotiations.

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When Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Arizona?

Nov 26, 2022 | Car Accident | Read Time: 5 minutes

If you’ve been in a car accident in Arizona, you may be wondering when to hire a car accident lawyer. Knowing the right time to get legal help can mean the difference between getting just compensation and being stuck with an unfair settlement. With this guide, we’ll provide insight into when it’s best to enlist an experienced attorney after a crash. When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident in Arizona? You should hire an attorney after a car accident in four situations: you or someone in your car has been injured, there is property damage, you find yourself being unfairly treated by the insurance company, or you have questions about a settlement offer. Need Legal Help? Let’s Talk. or, give us a ring at (602) 730-4530. In addition to understanding the scenarios in which it is best to hire a car accident attorney, it’s also important to understand the timeframe in which it is necessary to get legal help. If you wait too long, you may be unable to pursue a claim or get the compensation that you deserve. Do not wait to speak to a car accident lawyer. The sooner you can get legal help, the better chance you will have of getting a just outcome from your case. The further you get from the date of the incident, the more complicated it can be to prove fault and establish a solid claim. The Phoenix car accident lawyers at Hutzler Law are here to help. Call our office at (602) 730-4530. Have You Or Someone in Your Car Been Injured? If you or someone in your car has suffered any kind of injury as a result of the accident, hiring a car accident attorney is essential. It’s important to enlist an experienced lawyer who can help get the medical care and financial compensation that you deserve. The medical bills and other costs associated with treating injuries from a car accident can add up quickly. A skilled lawyer can help you negotiate with insurance companies and make sure that you get the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries. Not all injuries show up right away. It may take days or even weeks for the full extent of your injuries to become clear. You should consult an attorney as soon as possible so that they can document all of your medical care and expenses in a timely manner. Do You Have Property Damage? Even if there were no injured passengers, hiring a car accident attorney is still wise after an incident in which property has been damaged. This is especially true if the other party or their insurance company refuses to pay for the damages or is taking a long time to make an offer. An experienced lawyer can help you negotiate with the insurance company and prove that the other driver was at fault in order to get you fully compensated for your property damage. Are You Being Unfairly Treated by the Insurance Company? Insurance companies often try to avoid paying out claims or make lowball offers that are far less than what you actually deserve. If this occurs, an experienced car accident lawyer can help. They can provide guidance on crafting a demand letter and negotiating with the insurance company to get the best possible outcome from your claim. They will be able to explain all of the legal options available to you and work hard to ensure you receive just compensation. Do You Have Questions About a Settlement Offer? If you have received a settlement offer from an insurance company, it’s important to make sure that you fully understand what is being proposed. Do not agree to anything until you have consulted with an experienced lawyer. A car accident attorney can review the offer and explain any potential pitfalls. They will be able to advise you on whether or not it is a good deal and what your other legal options are if you decide to reject the settlement offer. A car accident attorney can help you maximize your financial compensation after an accident. Related Read: Best Phoenix Car Accident Lawyers of 2024 Injured in a Car Accident in Phoenix? Hutzler Law Can Help If you’ve been in a car accident in Arizona, don’t wait to get the legal help you need. The experienced Phoenix car accident lawyers at Hutzler Law can provide guidance and representation throughout your case. Call our office today at (602) 730-4530 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation. We’re here to answer all of your questions and help you get the justice and compensation that you deserve. Steps to Consider if You are Thinking of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in Phoenix Car accidents can have a significant impact on your life, and seeking proper compensation for your losses is crucial. While it’s not mandatory to hire an attorney, many car accident victims find it beneficial to have legal representation. Here are some key considerations: Step 1. Assessing Your Comfort Level Deciding when to hire an attorney after a car accident is a personal choice. It depends on your comfort level in navigating the complex legal process. Hiring an attorney can relieve you of the legal burden, allowing you to focus on your recovery. Remember, you have the right to seek legal counsel at any point during the insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit process. Step 2. Filing an Insurance Claim After a car accident, the first step is usually filing an insurance claim with your insurance provider or the at-fault driver’s insurance company. However, insurance coverage may not always be sufficient. In such cases, it’s important to explore other options. Seeking Compensation through Uninsured Motorist Coverage If the at-fault driver’s insurance policy falls short in covering your losses or if they are uninsured, you may be able to seek compensation through your own uninsured motorist coverage. Consulting with an attorney right after the accident can help evaluate your losses and explore the available options under your insurance policy. Step 3. Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit In some situations, filing a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent driver becomes.

What To Do After a Car Accident When It’s Not Your Fault? [Arizona]

Nov 26, 2022 | Car Accident | Read Time: 4 minutes

Understanding what to do after a car accident that’s not your fault is essential for protecting your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. Follow these steps to navigate the aftermath of an accident where you are not at fault. But first let’s dive into what does “fault” means in a car accident. What Is Fault in a Car Accident? Fault in a car accident is the responsibility for causing the collision. So the person who is at fault is financially responsible for any damages or injuries resulting from the accident. The at-fault driver’s insurance usually covers the costs. Steps To Take After a Car Accident That is Not Your Fault As each accident is different, various steps need to be taken to ensure you are not wrongly blamed and to secure the compensation you deserve. Following these steps can help you navigate the process effectively. A car accident lawyer will be able to advise you on your rights and walk you through the process of dealing with insurance companies and filing a claim. And, remember, there is a statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim. You must adhere to this timeframe, or you will forfeit any right to compensation. To handle a car accident that’s not your fault in Arizona, you will need to follow a series of steps. Step 1: Follow Your Doctor’s Orders Immediately after the accident, seek medical attention if you are not already receiving emergency medical services. Ask for a full check-up, including scans, if possible. Tell your doctor that you have been in a car accident and that you need to know if there are latent or small injuries that might become worse in the next few days. Ask your doctor for a full medical report, including their prediction of your care needs in the future regarding injury recovery, long-term healing, or disability. These details will be essential in building your Arizona car accident insurance claim. Step 2: Gather Evidence If you are able, capture everything about the scene of the accident. This first-hand evidence can be essential later when insurance companies are trying to prove how the accident happened and who was at fault. You can collect this information personally or ask others to collect it for you if you are unable. Here is a list of the documents and evidence it is useful to collect on the scene: Step 3: Speak to a Car Accident Lawyer After a car accident, your three most important concerns are 1) medical care, 2) evidence, and 3) proving you are not at fault. Arizona is an at-fault insurance state, so the person at fault has the most to lose, and even being identified as partially at fault can be dangerous. A skilled Phoenix car accident lawyer can help you take the next steps to secure your rights after this accident. Step 4: Report the Accident Don’t accept fault at the scene or when talking to any insurance agency, even your own insurance provider. If you know that you were driving carefully and the other car did something dangerous or reckless, stick to what you know. Maintain your side of the story and don’t let anyone convince you to change your story just because it’s convenient for them. Step 5: Save All Documentation Insurance companies often have a set of tactics they use to minimize a victim’s injury. They will argue that your injury is not that severe, that it won’t take that long to heal, or that you won’t need any relevant therapies to aid in your recovery. Sometimes, they will even recommend that you see a specific doctor to provide further proof. Do not go. Always go to your personal doctor or an unconnected medical provider to get an objective report of your injuries. Step 6: Watch What You Say Don’t say “I’m sorry” where others can hear you at the accident site or afterward. It can be taken as an admission of guilt by the other driver, insurance providers, or police on the scene. Even if all the evidence points to you not being at fault, saying “I’m sorry” can be used against you. Step 7: Check Your Dash Cam Footage If your vehicle has a dash camera, collect the footage of the accident. While most dash cams do not have a perfect 360 perspective around the car, it is often possible to prove that your vehicle was moving carefully and correctly and show signs of the other vehicle behaving dangerously or negligently just before the accident. How Can an Arizona Car Accident Lawyer Help When You Are Not at Fault? A car accident attorney will protect you from being blamed and fight for your right to a full settlement. Your medical bills aren’t your fault, and neither are your car repairs. You shouldn’t be left with debt and expenses as a result. Hutzler Law is a top-rated Phoenix personal injury law firm that helps victims of accidents and injuries recover and get the compensation they deserve. Call us at 602-730-4530 or reach out through our online form to book your first consultation. Taking the Right Steps When You’re Not At Fault What to do after a car accident that’s not your fault is an important process. In order to protect your rights to full compensation and your financial future if you suffered injury, you will need a clear strategy and support from a skilled Arizona car accident lawyer. The attorneys of Hutzler Law are dedicated to helping victims of accidents and injuries recover and get the compensation they deserve. When a car accident isn’t your fault, insurance companies may still try to offset some of the blame – and the burden – onto you. We’re here to keep that from happening. Hutzler Law is a top-rated Phoenix personal injury firm. Contact us today for your initial consultation by calling 602-730-4530 or reach out through our online form.

Best Car Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ of 2024

Nov 26, 2022 | Car Accident | Read Time: 7 minutes

When you searched for “Phoenix car accident lawyer” on Google, you probably came across a few different directory websites that claim to “bring you unbiased ratings and information” on car accident law firms. To help you narrow down your search, we have compiled our own list of the best car accident lawyers in phoenix. As a consumer, you depend on these kinds of websites to provide an impartial view on the leading service providers in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Regrettably, the car accident attorneys featured and listed on these so-called “ranking sites” are securing their spots at the top based on who is willing to pay the most money to publish their names closer to the top. These directories operate on a pay-to-play basis, meaning the top-listed firms aren’t always the most qualified. These directory sites are not legal practitioners or experts in the field of personal injury law in Arizona. They are primarily business entities focused on profit, leveraging their platforms to maximize income through advertising fees rather than providing a vetted, reliable list of skilled attorneys. This means that the order in which attorneys ranked are often not a reflection of their skills or effectiveness, but rather a result of who pays more to be positioned at the top. Read More of Our Client Reviews Call 24/7 for a Free Car Accident Consultation Or, complete our short contact form (602) 730-4530 This is why I decided to write this article. My name is Jason Hutzler, and I am the founding attorney of Hutzler Law, PLLC. I’ve been practicing personal injury law in Arizona for over 10 years and have seen firsthand the impact a skilled Phoenix car accident lawyer can make on a case. In this guide, I will share with you the top five car accident lawyers in Phoenix that I trust and recommend to my clients. To clarify, I am publicly endorsing attorneys who directly compete with my own practice. I’ve worked with them before and witnessed their dedication to clients and their work. Why would I do this? I know you have many choices when selecting a lawyer for a car accident case. I’m committed to ensuring you receive the best possible representation. I want you to have the best chance at receiving the justice and compensation that you deserve. In addition, I am more qualified than directories and websites such as Forbes, Justia, Expertise,, ThreeBest Rated,, Superlawyers, Best Lawyers, and any other directory to give informed recommendations about the best car accident attorneys in Phoenix. Before practicing personal injury law, I worked as an insurance adjustor, so I know what tactics and strategies insurance companies use to protect their interests and minimize payouts to accident victims. While I would encourage you to reach out to my office first, I understand that you may want to explore all of your options before hiring a lawyer to represent you. My goal is to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your future. I am proud to work with the following car accident attorneys who share in my commitment to providing excellent representation for their clients, and who I believe to be some of the best car accident lawyers in Phoenix. Related Read: Can a Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer Help You Get Compensation? 5 Best Phoenix Car Accident Lawyers I. Jason Hutzler – Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer at Hutzler Law Arizona Bar Association Status: Active | Year Admitted to Arizona Bar: 2011 | Law School Attended: University of Miami School of Law | Google Listing Attorney Jason Hutzler is a well-known and top-rated car accident lawyer in Phoenix. Before opening his practice, Jason worked for insurance companies, giving him unique insight and experience into how they handle car accident claims. As a former insurance adjustor, he understands the tactics and strategies that insurance companies hide behind to lowball legitimate claims and deny valid coverage. Over the last five years, his firm has helped accident victims recover tens of millions of dollars across the entire state of Arizona. Feel free to peruse the multitude of reviews showcasing the exceptional level of service, care, and dedication that Hutzler Law offers to its clients. These testimonials provide valuable insight into the experience and satisfaction of those who have entrusted their cases to us. Take a moment to explore the link below: Take a look at the many reviews. If you are seeking an attorney with a proven track record who is not afraid to take on insurance companies, you can’t go wrong with Jason Hutzler. Don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation, free of charge. II. Chandra Lehn – Car Accident Lawyer at Vrana Law Firm Arizona Bar Association Status: Active | Year Admitted to Arizona Bar: 2012 | Law School Attended: Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law | Google Listing Attorney Chandra Lehn (formerly Farris) is partner at Vrana Law Firm, and has been practicing personal injury law since 2012. I have worked personally with Chandra at a previous firm, and I can attest to her dedication and skill in representing her clients. She is a fierce advocate for her clients and has a passion for helping those who have been injured due to someone else’s negligence. She puts her client’s needs first. Chandra has extensive and thorough knowledge on personal injury claims in Arizona and has a proven track record recovering millions of dollars for her clients. III. Bradley Biggs – Law Office of Bradley J. Biggs Arizona Bar Association Status: Active | Year Admitted to Arizona Bar: 2008 | Law School Attended: Thomas Jefferson School of Law | Google Listing Attorney Bradley Biggs is the founding attorney of the Law Office of Bradley J. Biggs and has over a decade of experience fighting for the rights of car accident victims in Phoenix. Before opening his own firm, Bradley spent several years defending insurance companies. His insider knowledge and experience give him a unique advantage in negotiating with insurance companies and securing fair compensation for his clients. After a change of heart, Bradley now devotes his practice to helping those who have been injured in car accidents. He is known for his aggressive and strategic approach to personal injury cases, and has.