Cost Reports and Guidance for Air Pollution Regulations

EPA's Control Cost Manual provides guidance for the development of accurate and consistent costs for air pollution control devices. The Control Cost Manual focuses on point source and stationary area source air pollution controls for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter (PM), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and some acid gases (primarily SO2 and HCl).

EPA is currently updating the Control Cost Manual. This update will be the Seventh Edition and is required under the authority of the 2014 Consolidated Appropriations Act. EPA expects to complete the Seventh Edition by January 2022. Below is a listing of EPA's Cost Manual chapters as well as other files related to the Cost Manual. The files are in PDF format unless noted otherwise and can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Timeline for Updating Chapters

Updated Chapters and Related Documents

The following chapters have been finalized as part of this update:

Section 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 - Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology (Note: This is the final version of this chapter, replacing a draft version on 2/1/2018.) (45 pp, 908 K)
Section 3 – VOC Controls; Section 3.1 – VOC Recapture Controls
Chapter 1 - Carbon Adsorbers (51 pp, 1 MB)
Carbon Adsorbers Calculation Spreadsheet (note: updated on 11/12/2020) (xlsm)
Carbon Adsorbers Calculation Spreadsheet – Errata Sheet (1 pp, 87 K)
Carbon Adsorbers Response to Comment Document (31 pp, 828 K)
Chapter 2 - Refrigerated Condensers (44 pp, 736 K)
Refrigerated Condenser Calculation Spreadsheet (xlsm) (65.04 KB)
Refrigerated Condenser Response to Comment Document (32 pp, 583 K)
Section 4 - NOx Controls
Chapter 1 - Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (Note: updated on 4/25/2019) (71 pp, 963 K)
SNCR Cost Calculation Spreadsheet – Errata Sheet (Note: updated on 3/19/2021) (1 pp, 126 K)
Air Pollution Control Cost Estimation Spreadsheet For Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) (note: updated on 3/19/2021) (xlsm)
SNCR Response to Comments Document (60 pp, 953 K)
Chapter 2 - Selective Catalytic Reduction (Note: updated on 06/12/2019) (107 pp, 1.3 M)
SCR Cost Calculation Spreadsheet (xlsm)
SCR Response to Comments Document (109 pp, 2 M)
Section 6 – Particulate Matter Controls
DRAFT - Chapter 1 – Fabric Filters (Note: The draft file can be downloaded at this link.) (125 pp, 2.6 M)

Previous Version of the Cost Manual

The previous version of the Control Cost Manual is the Sixth Edition, January 2002:

EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual - Sixth Edition (EPA 452/B-02-001)
Read Me File (4 pp, 26 K)
Table of Contents (4 pp, 31 K)
Entire Document (752 pp, 6 M)

Individual chapters of the Control Cost Manual Sixth Edition are listed below:

Section 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - Background (11 pp, 49 K)
Chapter 2 - Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology (46 pp, 310 K)
Section 2 - Generic Equipment and Devices
Chapter 1 - Hoods, Ductwork, and Stacks (59 pp, 467 K)
Chapter 3 - Permanent Total Enclosures (PTEs) (37 pp, 273 K)
Chapter 4 - Monitors (41 pp, 313 K)
Section 3 - VOC Controls; Section 3.1 - VOC Recapture Controls
Chapter 1 - Carbon Adsorbers (4 pp, 671 K)
Chapter 2 - Refrigerated Condensers (4 pp, 336 K)
Section 3 - VOC Controls; Section 3.2 - VOC Destruction Controls
Chapter 1 - Flares (46 pp, 281 K)
Chapter 2 - Incinerators (64 pp, 358 K)
Section 4 - NOx Controls; Section 4.2 - NOx Post-Control
Chapter 1 - Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (51 pp, 350 K)
Chapter 2 - Selective Catalytic Reduction (66 pp, 457 K)
Section 5 - SO2 and Acid Gas Controls; Section 5.2 - Post-Combustion Controls
Chapter 1 - Wet Scrubbers for Acid Gas (6 pp, 604 K)
Section 6 - Particulate Matter Controls
Chapter 1 - Baghouses and Filters (60 pp, 475 K)
Chapter 2 - Wet Scrubbers for Particulate Matter (62 pp, 1 MB)
Chapter 3 - Electrostatic Precipitators (70 pp, 858 K)

Cost Reports

Cost reports provide details on the capital and annual costs of regulations that EPA prepares as well as the necessary information to determine how these costs are estimated. More information on how costs are estimated can be found by consulting the EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual (see above).

Below is a list of cost reports prepared by EPA. The cost reports are generally available in PDF format (unless otherwise noted) and can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Non-EGU Emissions Reductions Cost and Potential (192 pp, 4.4 MB)