Health Measures and Safety Provisions in Factories Act, 1948

Health is an important part of everyone’s life. Being healthy does not only mean being ‘disease free’. It includes physical, social, and mental health too. Maintaining sound health is undoubtedly a concern for everyone but it is more necessary for those who are constantly under threat of health hazards. These are the factory workers. They are constantly under the danger of health risks. Hence, it becomes necessary to concentrate on the health of the workers in the factories as well as people in society. In order to standardize the health measures and safety provisions, the Factories Act, 1948 lays down certain ‘health measures’.

Health measures and safety provisions factories act

Health Measures and Safety Provisions as per Factories Act, 1948

Section 11: Cleanliness in Every Factory

Under Section 11, every factory need to keep itself clean and free from effluvia arising from any drain, privy or other nuisance, and in particular-

Special Point on Health Measures

If in view of the nature of the operations carried on in a factory or class or description of factories or any part of a factory or class or description of factories, it is not possible for the occupier to comply with all or any of the provisions of sub-section (1), the State Government may by order exempt such factory or class or description of factories or part from any of the provisions of that sub-section and specify alternative methods for keeping the factory in a clean state.

Section 12: Disposal of Effluents and Wastes

Under this section following things should be considered:

(a) It is necessary for the factories to arrange proper and effective waste treatment and its disposal.
(b) The State Government may make rules prescribing the arrangements for the disposal and treatment of waste and effluents.

Section 13: Ventilation and Temperature

This section states:

Section 14: Dust and Fume

This section states that:

Section 15: Artificial Humidification

1. In respect of all factories in which the humidity of the air artificially increases, the State Government may make rules,-

2. In any factory in which the humidity of the air artificially increases, they should purify the water (drinking water) before the supply.

Section 16: Overcrowding

This section states:

Section 17: Lighting

This section states:

Firstly, There should be proper lighting in all the places of the factory from where the workers of the factory pass.

In every factory, effective provision shall, so far as is practicable, be made for the prevention of-

Section 18: Drinking Water

This section states that in every factory, there should be proper arrangements for a sufficient supply of wholesome drinking water and shall be legibly marked as “drinking water”.

Section 19: Latrines and Urinals

This section states that every factory should make arrangements of latrine and urinals for the employees and the rules are laid down by the State Government in this behalf.

Section 20: Spittoons

There should be a sufficient number of spittoons in the factories for the employees and they should be in clean and hygienic condition according to this law

Solved Questions on Health Measure and Safety Provisions Act

Question: What health measures and safety provisions are mentioned in Section 19 and Section 20 of the Factories Act, 1948?

Answer: Section 19 states that every factory should provide adequate latrine and urinal accommodation. On the other hand, Section 20 states that every factor should proper spittoons. Moreover, these spittoons should be in hygienic conditions.