7+ Top Cover Letter Examples (2024)

CL Examples

What if I told you that you could speak directly to hiring managers, convincing them to hire you – even before they view your resume?

Truth is, you can.

A well written cover letter helps you do just that! A cover letter explains your career narrative, essential skills you bring to the table, and why you’re a great fit for the job. It gives you one chance to communicate with hiring managers.

Give your best shot when writing it!

To guide you, here are some of our favourite cover letter examples. They are actual cover letters from our past clients who have landed interviews at some of the most selective firms. Think Dymon, AirBnB, and even Facebook!

You could also land a role at companies like these!

Follow our examples below. Dive deep into how to write cover letter with our Ultimate Cover Letter Guide. Or engage our writing consultants to craft an extremely personalised cover letter in your voice.

Download these 7 effective Cover Letters. Use them as your guide to craft a killer Cover Letter of your own.

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*We’ll email you a link to download these Cover Letter samples.

Cover Letters are extremely personal, and differ across every industry. We have an assortment of 20+ Cover Letter Samples covering various industry sectors. You can download and use these for free. Check them out!

List of Cover Letter Samples:

SMB Marketing Manager

This was a letter written by our team for a client who landed an interview with Facebook’s Small & Medium Business (SMB) Marketing team. It’s got the right amount of humour and professionalism for Facebook’s culture. It’s definitely one of our favourite letters written to date.

This was a letter written by our team for a client who landed an interview with Facebook’s Small & Medium Business (SMB) Marketing team. It’s got the right amount of humour and professionalism for Facebook’s culture. It’s definitely one of our favourite letters written to date.

SMB Marketing Manager Dear Mr. Hans,

I’m thrilled to be applying for the role of SMB Marketing Manager. With 4 years of marketing experience across Malaysia and Indonesia, both as at an SMB (ad buyer) and agency (ad seller), I’ve come to understand both buyers and sellers of Facebook Ads.

Having been on both sides of the table – running ads for an SMB and selling ads to large companies, I’ve developed an insider’s understanding of both parties. I’ve understood what key factors drive their decision making.

Facebook’s mission is to connect the world. Most assume it means connecting friends, but to me, Facebook is the best way for brands to connect with their audiences. And this applies to brands of all sizes, from large Fortune 500 companies to tiny startups. Facebook has democratized advertising. Every company with any advertising budget can now compete.

I’ve spent hours looking at videos on your website and reading employee reviews on Glassdoor. Everything I read about your company matches my own personal values. Facebook feels like the home I’ve been looking for. I think we’ll be great together.

So, shall we add each other on Facebook? Sincerely,

Health and Safety, Security (HSSE) Cover Letter

This cover letter was written for a client who was interested at a role at Airbnb. Tech companies are often the most selective amongst employers hence the need for creative cover letters like these.

Security Role Dear Mr. Royston,

I’m really excited to be applying for the Regional Safety & Security Officer position. With my prior work stints within the hospitality (Fullerton Hotel) and design (IKEA) industries, I feel I’ve garnered a good mix of experiences to make a great addition to the Airbnb Team.

Here are my top 5 reasons why I think I’d be the perfect next hire for your team:

Funnily, I’ve noticed plenty of Airbnb homes use furniture from my current employer, IKEA. It always puts a smile on my face when I recognise a particular desk of drawers in a picture on an Airbnb listing.

With my wide range of experiences and strong safety track record, I’m sure I can keep a tight ship running at Airbnb. I’ve spent hours reading employee reviews online and on your website. Airbnb really feels like a great place to work. It’s a place I want to work.

I’m looking forward to hearing more about how we can work together to make Airbnb more awesome! Best regards,

Regulatory Risk & Compliance Cover Letter

This was a letter written by Linda Xie when she was applying to a role at Coinbase, a leading Bitcoin startup. Despite the role being way out of her league, Linda managed to snag a job offer which led to 2 happy years at one of Silicon Valley’s fastest growing unicorns.

Regulatory Risk & Compliance Dear Ms. Niejadlik,

I am currently an Analyst at AIG in New York where I have worked in the risk management department since 2012. While I have not actively been seeking new employment, I cannot pass up the opportunity to apply for the Regulatory Compliance Analyst position at Coinbase. I am extremely optimistic about the future of Bitcoin and I see Coinbase as playing a central role in it’s widespread adoption. The recent Mt. Gox bankruptcy filing not only made me realise that my background in risk and regulatory compliance is highly relevant to Bitcoin markets as they become more mainstream, but motivated me to look into opportunities at Coinbase. I am eager to switch industries and join Coinbase for a few reasons:

I support one Managing Director and three Directors at AIG with risk analytics and presentations. As a result, I am highly proficient with Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word and Matlab. I have also worked closely with AIG’s internal databases as well as Microsoft Access. With only two years at AIG, my work representing our $400 billion portfolio are trusted to be sent directly to AIG’s senior management.

I hope you agree that my background is a strong match with the Regulatory Compliance Analyst Position and I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in more detail. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.


Sales Director Cover Letter Sample

For personnel in sales, it’s all about the sales targets you’ve hit. Be sure to emphasise that repeatedly and quantify it with clear, substantiated numbers. Here’s a sample I’ve written for an imaginary client.

Sales Director Dear Mr. XXX, Re: Application for Position of XXXXX

My name is Joseph Tan and I’m a veteran sales director within the IT industry. Over the past 15 years, I’ve consistently exceeded my sales targets at bluechip firms such as HP, Microsoft and most recently, Salesforce.

As a senior sales director, my role is more strategic in nature. I focus on identifying macro trends within the software industry, identifying key customer pain points, our unique product selling points and generating suitable marketing materials and sales scripts to empower my sales teams.

Besides empowering my staff, I’ve also honed my skills in hiring the right talents to build high performance sales teams. My years of hiring have enabled me to create unique rubrics for identifying talent which are a right fit for the organisation. Due to the high paced nature of the IT industry, I value quick learners who can adapt to ever shortening product cycles.

Here is a brief history of my work experiences:

I’m deeply passionate about the IT segment in Asia and believe the wave is just starting. I bring years of experience, honed from best practices at the of biggest tech companies in the region.

Attached is my resume with several customer referees. These are all excellent executives who I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Do feel free to contact them.

I’ve spent some time studying your market segment and your positioning. I see two untapped opportunities currently not being exploited by your firm. Firstly, around inbound content marketing. By crafting solution case studies and posting it online, we can foster more user trust and generate inbound leads from prospects searching online. The second area of opportunity lies in strategically placing advertising in business trade journals. I’ve previously achieved excellent ROI by using this method to penetrate new markets including Indonesia and Thailand, where our products had no brand awareness. I have detailed execution roadmaps which we can discuss in person should you select me for this interview.

I look forward for an opportunity to meet and discuss further. Thank you for your time in considering my application.

Yours faithfully,

Finance Manager Cover Letter Sample
(For Mothers Returning To The Workforce)

If you’re a mother returning to the workforce, a cover letter will make a huge difference in assisting you to secure an interview. Employers have consistently found that mothers make better employees. Be proud of the family you’ve started and use it to your advantage.

Finance Manager Cover Letter Sample Dear Mr. XXX, Re: Application for Position of XXXXX

I’m writing to apply to the Finance Manager position open at your firm. With over 8 years of experience both as finance manager at GE Capital and an auditor at KPMG, I’m confident of excelling at the role open at your organisation.

Having come from an audit background, I posses a unique ability in seeing both sides of the (accounting) table. This enables me to better spot control weaknesses, implement new best practices and install processes for continued smooth operations.

Here is a brief history of my work experiences:

Since 2012, I’ve been on sabbatical attending to my newly born twins. I felt it was necessary to be there for them during their formative years. Now that they’re all grown up, I feel rejuvenated and eager to re-enter the job market. I’m aware that I’ve been away for a long period of time, hence my desire to enter at a more junior role, to ease myself back into the workforce. Rest assured, I’m not looking for an easy ride, I’m keen to maximise my talents and apply myself fully at your organisation.

I look forward for an opportunity to meet and discuss further. Thank you for your time in considering my application.

Yours faithfully,

Investment Manager

The finance sector remains one of the highest paid, and most sought after industries to work in within Malaysia. That means that competition is incredibly stiff. You’ll be up against some of the best.

The finance industry is a little more upright than the tech industry. As such, your cover letter needs to come across as being more measured.

Finance Manager Cover Letter Sample Dear Mr. Yong, Re: Application for Position of Vice President (Investments)

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my application for the position of Vice President of Investments at Dymon Asia. Through my 5-year career, I’ve come to specialise in mergers and acquisitions, and have led a wide range of M&A projects across multiple industries. Indeed, I’m highly familiar with the entire M&A process from pre-deal due diligence to negotiation through to post-deal operations. I’ve been able to leverage on my experience, generating close to USD500M in total revenue throughout my tenure in various MNCs and boutique funds alike, and I am confident that I will be able to continue securing and leading lucrative deals for Dymon Asia.

Presently, I am a Senior Manager of Investments with JP Morgan Chase, where I am responsible for managing all financial-related matters within the Group, with an emphasis on the analysis and monitoring of our financial results. In addition, I led the development and implementation of our corporate business strategy, advising the Managing Director on long-term strategic plans for the development of the Group.

Amongst my various achievements during my tenure, I am most proud of having spearheaded negotiations for the acquisition of several key companies (which are now our subsidiaries) and securing marine asset financing worth a combined total of USD 370M amidst a regional financial downturn.

Dymon Asia is regionally known for its Asia Macro Fund, which has consistently ranked amongst the top macro funds globally. My background in finance, trading, and portfolio management, coupled with my practical experience in macroeconomic analysis and strategic development will allow me to contribute effectively to Dymon’s continued growth and performance, particularly by designing new investment strategies and generating new investment theses that will thrive amidst the rapidly changing investment climate we are facing today.

I am thrilled at the possibility of being part of such a renowned firm, and would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the value that I can bring to the Dymon Asia Group. I appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact me at any time via mobile at +852 9999 9999 or by email at philbert@gmail.com.

Yours sincerely,

These Cover Letters were used in actual job applications to score interviews at some of the most competitive firms.

You could learn from them while writing your own!

Download the cover letter samples that inspire you, study them, and write your best cover letter for your next job application!

If you need more cover letter writing resources:

And finally, if you need a hand with writing your CV and Cover Letter, don’t struggle in silence!

Reach out to us for help. Our team would be happy to help you improve your CV and Cover Letter according to your own career and unique job search objectives.

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