Molly K. McLaughlin has been a technology editor and writer for over a dozen years. She runs product reviews for Lifewire, overseeing the process from hands-on testing to publishing.
Updated on January 9, 2024 Reviewed byJessica Kormos is a writer and editor with 15 years' experience writing articles, copy, and UX content for, Rosenfeld Media, and many others.
In This Article In This ArticleMissed calls are annoying, but, in most cases, there’s an easy fix.
When your Android phone isn’t ringing, there are several possible causes. In the worst cases, the phone might be physically damaged or infected with malware. Most likely, however, you inadvertently silenced your phone, left it on Airplane or Do Not Disturb mode, enabled call forwarding, or there’s an issue with a third-party app.
Follow these tips in order, testing your phone after each one to see if it rings again.
If other sounds work, like music and alarms, switch to a different ringtone, maybe one that's easier for you to hear. If you’re using a third-party ringtone, try one of the built-in options.
Airplane Mode also turns off Wi-Fi and cellular data, so if you can't load any web pages nor send texts, emails, etc., then there's a good chance this is toggled on.
Uninstall apps you never use, and only download apps and files from trusted sources. All your apps, settings, photos, etc., will get deleted. Consider backing up your phone first.In the meantime, your phone might support another way to get your attention about incoming calls. Learn how to set up camera flash notifications to be alerted visually instead, or have calls ring on a different device.
Why is my phone just vibrating?When the phone is on Silent Mode, it vibrates instead of ringing when you receive a call. Go to Settings > Sound & Vibration and toggle the settings to switch vibration off.
Try switching to a default ringtone. If it works, there is likely an issue with the ringtone you downloaded.
What does it mean if an outgoing call doesn't ring?If you cannot place any outgoing calls, the problem is likely a downed line, poor service, or an unpaid phone bill. If the phone doesn't ring when calling a specific number, the problem lies with the number you're trying to reach.
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