This course will allow you to become familiar with the threshold ABR, where it comes from, how it is measured and how it is interpreted.
Introductory 1 - 2 hours 13 December 2021Understand how the auditory brainstem response (ABR) can be recorded and which areas of the brain the ABR is generated from
Learn how to prepare for ABR testing, including patient preparation, electrode placement and stimuli and transducer selection
Be able to interpret an ABR waveform for threshold hearing estimation
Leigh Martin is a British Audiologist and adjunct lecturer at the University of Cork, Ireland. Clinically, he has worked in the National Health Service specializing in paediatric audiology as well as vestibular diagnostics and rehabilitation. Leigh has also sat on the board of directors for the British Academy of Audiology. Since 2013, Leigh has supported the growth and development of the Interacoustics Academy and holds the position of Director of the Academy. Leigh has presented at numerous scientific conferences and meetings across a diverse range of audiological topics as well as having published papers in both video head impulse testing (vHIT) and wideband tympanometry.