The following provides a resource of information for applying for a Tennessee contractor's license. A good start is by reviewing and printing the application package, as listed below:
Licensing Steps
Click on the following links to review the step-by-step process or you may simply print the application form above:
Limited Restricted Residential ("BC-A/r" Contractor License Classification)
Contractors may apply for a Limited License with a BC-A/r classification, which restricts residential contractors to building in the amount of *$125,000 or less. In lieu of the exams, they may attend a course at a community college . All other application requirements must be fulfilled, including a personal board interview. The BC-A/r licensee cannot exceed their monetary limit; there is not a 10% tolerance. In addition, they cannot joint venture with another licensed contractor to combine monetary limits. The contractor's monetary limit must cover the total project, which includes: land, labor, materials and equipment, as well as profit. More information is also available at "BC-A/r" on the Forms and Applications section of the web.
*Rules effective 2/20/2014, allows a BC-A/r to request a limit from $70,000 to up to $125,000 by providing a reviewed financial statement and completing an increase request form.
BC-A/r Class Providers
Hardship (Emergency) License - Request for Early Review
The Hardship criteria allows a license to be reviewed and approved prior to the Board meeting. However, the hardship must apply to the "owner" or customer of the project; not to the contractor applying for the license. The application must be complete; none of the requirements may be waived. See special delivery instructions to expedite request which is to scan and email a copy of the application and then mail the originals with fee. This will help to expedite hardship requests needing immediate attention. All instructions are outlined in the Hardship application request form. Hardships approved prior to the Board meeting are posted on our website. The Hardship request form is available online.
Note: If there is a law violation, history of complaints,convictions, or an interview is required (BC-A/r), the hardship is denied and the applicant will be scheduled for an interview with the Board.
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