Making Molecules: Dot Structures and Ionic Compounds

Making Molecules: Dot Structures and Ionic Compounds

This simulation provides practice in building Lewis Dot Structures from atoms and ionic compounds from the component ions.

two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

The Molecule Builder tab contains three different modes:

Note that the geometries of the displayed “finished” molecules may not be realistic (even on a 2-Dimensional display) as molecular geometries have not been optimized to reflect reality.

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Molecular Builder

Show or hide the tutorial. arrow pointing to the Hide Tutorial & Show Tutorial buttons

Choose between Molecule Builder, Molecular Free Experiment, and Ionic Compounds modes. arrow pointing to the Molecule Builder mode, Free Experiment Mode, & Ionic Compounds buttons

Show or hide the direction pad to move atoms around the work area. arrow pointing to the Show Direction Pad & Hide Direction Pad buttons

Undo the last bond. arrow pointing to the Undo button

Clear the workspace. arrow pointing to the Reset Workspace button

Reset the current molecule. arrow pointing to the Reset Workspace button

Check your answer. arrow pointing to the Check Answer button

Select an atom with an unpaired electron to activate it for bonding.
Select the same atom again to deactivate it. arrow pointing to an atom with a free electron

Select another atom with an unpaired electron to bond it to the first. arrow pointing to another atom with a free electron

Select other molecules to build. arrow pointing to the molecule selection list panel

Select atoms from the periodic table to add them to the workspace. arrow pointing to the Periodic Table

Select ions to add them to the workspace. arrow pointing to the ion selection list panel

Hide or show the periodic table. arrow pointing to the Hide/Show Periodic Table buttons

Hide or show the ion selection panel. arrow pointing to the Hide/Show Ion Selection Panel button

These atoms are able to access the d-orbital. To unpair a set of electrons, select an atom after all of its free electrons have been bonded. arrow pointing to elements P 15, S 16, C l 17, A r 18, A s 33, S e 34, B r 35, and K r 36

This canvas displays representations of atoms or ions (with their electrons or charges), and bonds. All of these elements are linked to accessible html elements that describe their structure and function. Atoms and Ions are represented as list items, with their associated electrons represented as a sub-list. These html elements will update dynamically as bonds are formed. Do Something Do Something Else -->

Switch to Molecule Builder mode Switch to Molecular Free Experiment mode Switch to Ionic Compounds mode Show Tutorial Show Direction Pad Hide Direction Pad Undo Reset Workspace Reset Workspace Check Answer

select an atom to move move selected atom up move selected atom down move selected atom left move selected atom right

rows of the periodic table. Click an atom to add it to the work area.">